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Saturday, May 03, 2008
let there be love .

yes bun ?

headed to 'prawning

disgusting chicken heart as bait.

endless road?

aunty so kind to bring us out of that place.
'Studying' at downtown . O, ii haven been to Ehub yet.. =(
Followed by prawning , supposingly Ironman ....
dar's place for a lil mahjong and sleeep.................. & homed.
took 53 back, and ii thought is public holis, still so f crowded. na maa!
ps: sorry dar, i've broke yet another glass, :(( .
sue :))

my jt !
muscles or ?

gaysm ?

HAAAA. ---->

heh ?
peishan's loved.

bun's drawing.
Airport with them, was fun. Haha.
bitching pictaring studying eating arguing faking gossiping .
&& didnt know that merely 'chat' outside my house with PS was so long until
mummy said 2 crazy girls standing there for almost 40min? really? =/
miss you la ! and yes, i'll still be there for you , anytime . Takecare, and also have fun
with your peeps now. Join you next year! Tp :DDD
coffeeee ?
Yea. MathsPaper1 & Geo is a total gone case. O not forgetting SS.
Eng, Chi pass ?? ii hope so........
Elias mall for studying . The rest of them dotaing ..
Till night , and went ber's place .
watched Jumper and the 3rdtime of HSM .
S L E E P for like, a few hours and woke up. Blood donation gives you
free breakfast lols . Ate and homed ..

{/2:24 PM} Y