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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
let there be love .

Life's a nightmare OR a paradise ?
Spent the whole day home :/ Watched Saw3 alone ,
BLOOD ........ Drilling the skull , Acids , Chains .
ii wanna play a game with you"
Didnt went out co , partly lazy . It was just too comfortable ,
under the blanket , with the cold breeze of air from the aircon .
Like that , ii missed out the chance to drink my
Oreo :(
There's quite a number of upcoming movies , which all is nice !
Skinnys & Shorts not bought . Money not saved .
ii want my *dream to come true " x)
who can accompany me tmr , to redeem my Jay's disc ?
Didnt manage to go Cathay ytd =/ ayeeeeee ~

{/9:28 PM} Y

Monday, July 30, 2007
let there be love .

MOST random blog ;

Mocha frappe .
SMALL mahjong on monopoly board .
tiny little dice
big mahjong . =/
During lesson today , look around my class .
Looking at my classmates , seeing how fate & destiny actually works .
how we even know each other . Looking at them , is totally different from
me looking at seniors , or even the other stream . The feelings
neutral , but just weird .
Downtown's MacCafe after school , drank & crapped around with Co :)
aQ house was next . Actually watching ghost cinderella was the reason for
going .. But turn out to be , mahjonging & pokercarding . LOL
Rushed home to catch shou zu :D
Kan Kai Yi Dian :P
Tan;Teo;Heng;See;Lim;Kong;Lau, Sim.
Any more ? x)

{/8:53 PM} Y

Sunday, July 29, 2007
let there be love .

People read my blog , but dont tag at all .
haahahs ! or is it because of my lousy tagboard ? =.=
so , had it changed ! so now , TAG !


$20 from topshop .


walking on the street .


ice coffee , mango pudding.



mussels !

the sambal's GREAT .
she's modern .
whoooo , look at the amt of ppl.


cheryl/sheryl! darling ! me !
the 2 of them are pretty !


CHERRIES! thanks to LIYING, she gave me .. :DD

JurongEast got lots of them..

tomyam beehoon ^
<33>my daRs.

on the reflection , not the ppl.
the boy which make liying
laugh like whad only .

yaya , read your book .
Overall , these 3 days . Were kinda good ? & is being spent wisely .
Friday , watched the movie , ALONE . freaked out ! Fun :)
ii said GRAPEFRUIT, not the ******okay sim !
Saturday was the bestest day ! Received good news from Darling ,
saying that ii can go to the SHE mini concert. YAYyayyayyay ~
so , went punggol to find Darling , thn went PS to get
our advance ' Secret tickets . Walked to Cathay ,
to tryda redeem the meet JayChou thing. But to hear that ,
it's alrdy fully redeemed 3days ago . Why all the ppl so
ks ? hahahaha! Damn sad , now only can collect the
CD , which only have 100 !
tmr , JayChou will be at Cathay at 7pm , or is it
730pm . Going down Darling?
Ate swensens & off we go to Expo ..
SHE SHE SHE SHE madness :P SHIOK lo .
& didnt realised that Darling & ii actually talked to
Yu Zhong , the one that SHE asked the audience to say thank you
to . Well , she is the GM of HIM . She's very friendly :D
THANK Cheryl , THANK GM , THANK Darling . <33333
Sunday ,met zann & liying . Went to IMM ..
for SHE.. BUT BUT ..... just look at the heads and quite turn off .
:((( Though disappointed for zann , at least we have some videos
from the concert for her to see ... :)
took the shuttle bus , we wanna SING ..
so , KBOX ! well, yes . another singing session .
sang , for that 4hours+ .. Backed to Pasirris ,
same thing .. see whether huanhuanai's Part2 is out .
Not yet :( Bought potato from waterrise & HOME ~


{/10:31 PM} Y