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Saturday, June 30, 2007
let there be love .

Replied tags ~
( too lazy to type in the tagb0x ) :P
black : We dont look like idiots , or are you trying to tell us that you .. ?? :D
jared : yes scissors ! ii didnt know how to spell this one at first lo . x)
sam : HELLO DARLING ^^ & yes , you've linked . :))
aQ : whahahhas , really * shakes head * to their arrangement of tcher . Out of so
many teachers somemore .. goodluck <3
darling : hahaha . actually ii wanted , hmmm , yea true that my parents wont like it .
well .. perhaps not now ? either next time or never . Meet up soon yea ? <3333
luoZHIQQIANG : glad that you know , how DIFFERENT you are from lu0zhixiang yea .. hahahaa . & just put black or blackie will do . :DDDD

{/3:45 PM} Y

BOA - Winter love
HAHA! Today 's time passes quickly in school . The youths'day celebration - only e PE
department nice , the others wasnt interesting at all . Since , YOUTHday , form tcher
MrsChee is as kind&good as ever . She treated us movie , to watch transformers .
ITS damn damn damn nice , ii wouldnt mind spending another 10bucks to
repeat the show . 4.5 / 5 stars ii would rate it . :DDDD
Met up with Hernie&Vinitha darling to go tamp , and meet up with the rest , we're
a lil late . (: After e movie , darlings went off . We thn thinking to where ! Nobody gave a definate answer , so Scissorspaperstone was the great solution . :P
Actually chose Bugis , but ended up going to Kallang with b0tak&friends to Oasis ?
Total 17ppl ^^
For our dinner , the place there was crowded with ppl practicing for nationalday if im not wrong . BLACK , youre soooo not LZX . !! =.=
Song singing , many laughters & joy . :)) Bus 11 was long ......
ANNCHZI , you uh .. Really must takecare of your body yea ?
your frequent stomach pain must really hurt .. CONSULTATION NEEDED !

We are like , one whole big group walking , like " wanna fight uh ? " :)

the group photos by Qii , so dont forget bout her ! :P

Bus11 trip , with no aircon still , after that long wait .

Ja in mac , taken by kongyang which he claimed is artistic .


Taken by either chang or hao . We didnt know that
"he was taking e pic .

can see ms LeeFongTing's butt . with hernie babe .

BLABLABLABLA . Ytd downloaded gunbound again . yay , can play liao .
Nak nak nak nak !! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Love my wonderful friends ! <3333

p/s : need money , money money money !

{/12:59 AM} Y

soooooo love this song

{/12:34 AM} Y

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
let there be love .

That bitch is really fuckedup ! Always finding smth to say
bout us . Early in e morning catch .
REALLY sad case for 4/5 . especially qii dar ddie .
She's sooo gonna fcuk you guys everyday . :/

Dont know whad happened , why today's whether is
ESPECIALLY HOT & STUFFY . ii nearly died in the classroom .
ozonelayer's the reason ? e hole's gettin bigger yea .
My head's nodding in physics lesson , eye lids so so so heavy -
that ii can thump on the table . but ii holded on till English ,
where ii just dropped on e table .
Had physics & Maths papers to do , but wtf lo . ii dont know
how to do quite a lot . With this standard , how to skip N' ?
jialat ~

Went EliasMall : beancurd+duckrice :D
ii sooo wanna rent yumeiren NOW ! wanna watch it
badly , :( lots of shows ii needa watch to .
OR ii shld say . My wantS , not needS ..............
3rd person die of dengue rdy .
" e worlds' dying , " " e worlds' dying " !!!

------- Quite a number of hw not done .
-------- Im offically broke . !

&& do you ppl know how to spell *


cause ii didnt know it initally ~

{/10:36 PM} Y

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
let there be love .

Janice - In love again .

Waking up early is still as hard as ever . -.-
Sleeping early , can be worked out .. Offing the com settles everything ! :D

School was pretty normal . Just SS was bored like usual , the rest was fine .
Had e health check today , during chem lesson .
My backbone is jialat jialat jialat ! :(
Played BINGO with darlings , was soooo fun can !! Even missNorul's
telling the boys who dont know it , how to play . :DDDDD
After school , went to GO to look for vp .
Talked ....... damn ! im like . the worst among them .
She's soo shaking her head . sian !

Must really work hard ii guess .
No more last min work . No more studying + talking on e phone
at the same time .. No more tv , com while studying .
[ i'll TRY . ] its hard alrytes . :P

We walked to ws & saw qii sam bernard ky , but bid goodbye
veh soon , as we wanted to go home to SLEEP ....
However , reached home , sat on the chair looking at my conversation .
The call came , asking whether ii wanna go with them to watch show .
grrrrs . hahahahah . No more slp , so went down to meet them -
to EliasMall . Spent quite some time at the rental shop .
choosing & flipping thru the hongkong series .
SO MANY havent watch ones . im sooo gonna watch them .
cheapppp somemore eh ! * SMILEing like a retard .
Went over to black's house , Voice , Zoolander & Insolation :)
Uzap ing !! XDDD + the yellow meee with meat & egg ! HAAAS .

looking forward to one day , ja become
guitarist + vocalist . HAHA ! :D
jiayou yeas ?

{/10:10 PM} Y

Monday, June 25, 2007
let there be love .

Back home , ( yellowcard :D )
Damn bored , e first day of school . Aint that bad , but just .
s i a n z a t i o n lo !
at least today can go sch later thn usual . BUT THEY TOOK
OUT THE WED 1235 GO HOME . So now , only
Mon have the " priviliage " . =.=
Met Yan & co in da morning , walked to school .
The feeling of stepping into the school again , sighs .
SHAKES HEAD LUH . ! ! pouts *
At least , can be with my girls again . Hugged them , we went
to Downtown for lunch at MAC . yes . again again again .
im sooooo mac-ing . fei si wo lers ..
Yes , huanhuanai watched alrdy , episode 4 . Faster Sunday lehs , thn
can watch episode 5 . :PPP
Slept till 7 just now , to watch tv . Until Qii came ..
she fab fab for bout 1/2hour like that , tv & went home .
She had 1% higher thn me , damn sad ! and and.
Have to go for the meeting with vp tmr .
Singing session with darlings ^^ :))
Tongue piercing / YES or NO ? ?


{/10:14 PM} Y

Sunday, June 24, 2007
let there be love .

mm , we stayed at Benny's place cause we dont wanna
go home . Over there , order my brunchner - MacSpicy meal . :DD
Qii came ,with her bruises . & we had Vodka ..
( We com-ed , chatted , movies ) watched StayAlive & Andaconda ?
WTF , ii dont know how to spell , e giantic snake one . (:
He got the jump jump thingy , e purple one above .
Its damn tiring , even if its just a short while .
Back in e room , chatted , com ed again ... Till 5+ , we slept .
but Qii went off to meet her friend .Oh ya, her father uh ,
*#^@#)&^$ one ! haha . Slept all the way till 3+ in e afternoon - or is it
just me ? :X
Tgt with Ja & Ben to EliasMall , where they cut their hair and its SHORT !
couldnt help it , laughing at their * random-ness stuff .
Told them , ii reached home & sleep all the way till morning ,
and off to school . but but but , just cannot keep my words .
Tv - tuxedo & initialD . HOW TO SLEEP ?
hahhahahahha . thn 11 , got yin cha yang cuo .
Till 1am also . THN can watch HUANHUANAI !!!
how to slp how to slp ???? xD

oh & did ii mention , ii LOVE THE WALCH500 !!!
haha !!

{/11:51 PM} Y

Saturday, June 23, 2007
let there be love .

Met Jared,Cindy,Bernard,Benny& Kongyang . Thn we went Bugis , to their office .
Stupid ky , made us acc him . HAHAHA , kidding luh . Ate * bah cho mee * (:
Off we go to take the train again , STANDING all the way ! To JurongEast .
heeee , 2nd time in the week go there . IceSkating<3 ( but im still sucha noob , which is veh
depressing )

Qii came to meet us , so we stop skating at 8pm , went to foodcourt for dinner .
hmmm , their kimchisoup not nice ! :( But their milo ice kachang like nice er yi . :D
Brought the nice nice cake , chocolaty one - sorry forgot the name alrdy .
Arcade a lil , thn back to Pasirris . Slacked & chatted as usual ..... Reached home at
1245am .

okay , Qii . ii saw your friendster , blog . CHERRIES ! yah im jealous . FUCKING
JEALOUS . HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA . ii sooooo wanna eat .
Spare me some kays ?? [ innocent face ] like Jared cat's face ^^ :DDDD

In the end , still didnt get to watch MenInWhite , guess have to wait for the disc to
come out thn go buy nor . Damn siannn ! Today's date is 23 . My love !
& one more mth to Jads 3years . But the 23 , tells me that . Its only 2 more days to
SCHOOL . Wtf Wtf can !!!! Holis ending soooo fast . Like nothing's been really done .



> Your momma 's so fat that it takes 4 days for the injection needle to go in .

> Your momma weighing herself at the weighing machine , & it shows -
One at a time pls .

> 2 persons tried to find out , from PasirRis to the other end .
& BoonLay to the other end , which station in the middle will have the same fee ?
Answer : Commonwealth .


{/2:05 AM} Y