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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
let there be love .

Loveeee :)


At the Chalet .

Jads outing .

Kelly Pan's autograph session .

Orange .


Fun at work . Musical chairs ? :D
Dark building high up .

Fun in the rain , under the umbrella .
Smoking lights in the coldness is a bit wrong isnt it ? Hahs .

Haircut day .

Sure Romantic & pretty :))

At the Topshop .

Life like the treeeee .

All white for the day . Natasha's sweet 16 . At cafe delma .

Once again , thanks Natasha, & happy belated birthday .

Surprise for Sam Darling was great . We're like stalkers . Haha .
&& Icecream cake doesnt taste as nice as ii always thought it' be .

Sexy big polar bear .

Love ahhhhh . !

Amt of ppl at Bugis , for ZhangShaoHan's autograph session .
She's just cute ! & super small sizee .

HappyBirthday SamanthaDarling .
You alrdy know how much ii love you . Hahs . Muackss :)


Happy Hallowen !
Yuki Yaki .

Icecreammmmmmm !!!

The day ii realised how words can actually hurt & affect someone .
& how impt friends are .

18 straws for the 18years old , TanJili .
HappyBirthday boy . M18,cigarto,clubbing,alcohol alrdy . =/

Look at my , funny friends .

You guys simply' loved!
Missing ppl from last time of of a sudden .
Kinda of miss my grandparents tooo . =]
Some ppl just dont grow up dont they ?
Pls take a good look at yourself before even saying anything .
Your're such an ass.

{/12:57 AM} Y