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Sunday, January 28, 2007
let there be love .

haha ! lets talk bout yesterday ..

peishan came my house , to see whether my jeans

suited her . Then , met up with cindy . took bus to ws .

after a while , cindy was smiling luhs .

ii thought whad happen , so i turn around . saw y0nghan .

funny funny . at control station saw yenso0n . OFF we went , to tamp first . to take the DAREN disc from Jasmine . BUGIS .

we hurried our pace cos we can see the crowd already . we are like so late luhs . but CHEY ! they haven't even arrive lo . >.<

"they" always dua pai de . haha . but anyways . queued . they talk . lalala . Till , our turn to get on the stage . Before that , took a picture with ANGIE .look up . took DAREN'S signature . WOOOOO . he is so shuai luhs ! xD
hmmmms . when ii come down the stage . those ppl ask me for a short interview . damn paiseh luhs . have to talk to the camera . take the mic . said what they asked me to . LOL .
okokays . followed by going bugis street . walk till ii wanna die . buy buy clothes .

spend my 90 bucks . just like that gone le . grrr !!
bernard came to meet us . ATE l0ngj0hn , the couple came along too .
my dear sharon & jared . benny also came .
we walk walk walk walk .. till around 6plus .
i walk fast fast , to take train to PS .
met up with vivian darling , to watch
seriously people . it is a MUST !! MUST !! to watch okay !!
nice story , based on LIU RUO YING . original written novel .
tough can roughly anticipate the ending going to bbe like how .
but , omg . like 3/4 of the theatre people are crying . GOOD MOVIE .
after movie , went to shop for clothes .. darl bought a dress and a short . by time , its already like 10plus 11plus . Both of us cant think of whad to do .
Kbox or another Movie ?
we chose movie . but but but ! those movie is either we cant watch , or no more timing liao .
its like totally wth luhs . we carried on walking the cinileisure .
Passed by the XINWANGHONGKONG CAFE . So , we just wanted to have a drink . while inside . their menu totally turns on my appetite . Sighs , im like so fat le . we still ate so much .
can go die . after our crapping , gossiping .. Ah lok 's coming to find us .
didnt know he so fast luhs .
we walked , laughing at nothing like crazy people at night .
When its about 3plus am , we cabbed back to darl's place ..
cos there's no space for us to slp . we both had to sqeeze on her single size bed .
luckily im still not that plump for me to occupy 1 whole bed . =P


Being woke up by aunty , to eat lunch .. her cooking is NICE NICE =S

hahahas . watched wo cai wo cai wo cai *3 .. talked . put songs in my mp3 . lalala . till it was

like 4plus . need to go home liao . It started to rain !! so darl went down with me to e bus stop .

the umbrella ah . gonecase le . spoil like what . whhahahahas . we took the " overhead-

bridge .

was home 1/2 hour later .. bathed and watched tv .. till 7pm . xiaoyuer yu huawuque =x

and now im here blogging . sian !!! tmr have to go school . though school not that stress , but

still detest waking up early in the morning . ok , gonna end here le . my seaweed 's here . =X

lots of love (:

{/7:38 PM} Y

Monday, January 22, 2007
let there be love .

HA ! well , this is the blog i've just made . cause ii just wanna type , type & type ! =D
alrights , lets start from today morning . like everydays' routine . Go school blablablaas ,
the thing ii like - reach school by 815 . though its like still DAMN early lahs . but better thn normal days which is like freaking 720 . ii can sleep for bout 1hr more ! =x
okays SHARON , since just now you kept saying bout , your birthday your birthday !
shall wish you here .
Happy CHINESE Birthday ~

LOL . ii guess its a little lame . >.<
oh , reminded me of today's F&N , muffin making . but not nice de . hahahas (:
After school , went jared 's house wanting to see his NEW room , he changed his clothes and we proceeded to walk . Jared and sharon went downtown . ii went home . to watch 微笑PASTA .
NICE show indeed . ! now while waiting for it to load . shall blog ! wahhahas ..

YAY !! thanks to my DARLING ; can get my zen neeon le . somemore at sucha cheap price .

okays , shall end here le .
微笑PASTA time .. love (:

{/5:37 PM} Y