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Sunday, May 20, 2007
let there be love .

The talk , make me realised .. Some things which im so grateful that ii have . &
some that ii dont and wont have . Reflections bout myself and others , lots of
thoughts in my mind . ii know , diff ppl have their own view , perspect way of defining smth .
but well , deem whad you think its right . ii guess your heart will tell you and show you e
way . oh lets not talk bout these alrdy . but but but .... All these really makes me wanna give
a BIG & TIGHT hug to all of my friends ! ( especially Qii now after all that js now ) .
* HUGS !! * LOL . :D

Altytes , ytd went out with darling . Met her at bugis first , to change her shoe .
In the end turn out to be both of us buying shoe . >.<>
at lvl 3 or 4 . =D Shop shop ........ until we wanna get out of that place . so decided to go MarinaSq . Walked into the mall , guess whad . both our legs are tired so we sat on the bench to rest & chatted bout TAIWAN ; yes .. AGAIN . but it will be nv ending . =)
blablabla. & we just sat there to talk . 1hour passed by ~ hahas . We were just chatting bout
taiwan thingy & bil gates =.= . whhahhahaas .
Darling took the back to pasir ris train (: soooooooo talked talked ..............
went our separate ways , thn went home .
Watched just follow law at home , was funny luhs ! My brother & ii was
just laughing our ass off there . LOL LOL .

TODAY TODAY , e four of us !
peii lingling to cut her hair . *its not bad luh ! =p walked around too .
but went to find my mummy & auntymummy cause they got the
partworld member thingy . So we sang sang sang .
Time passes that fast always whnever we sing .. It was never enough . Haaas .
After that lingling went home . we walked to cine , saw melvyn !
hahahhahs . you boy . SNATCH MY XIAH'S BOX .
oh bout it . bought it at cheers , DBSK<3>
dont know why ii liked xiah , others also not bad . js the least liked was Yunho .
dint like him as much as the others . no particular reason t0o . (:
Ate curry + bread at hongkong cafe .
Qii , you 're my motivation . hahahas ! ;D
seriously , ii needa go for diet , but ii think impossible for me ? GRR !!!!
MYGOD. ii feel like eat famous amous cookies now .
any kind soul? pls .. No nut chocolate chips thank you ~ :XX
CHATTED , CAM-WHOREDD .... & home .
okays luhs . my eyes fucking pain . wanna SLEEPPPP !!

{/1:11 AM} Y

Friday, May 18, 2007
let there be love .

T0 darling : School was boring , so ii dont wanna go & leave my bed . x) But home was even bored-der !

To aQ : hmmms . ^5 . hahas . & hor , ii dont know why my blog ryte , cannot stay in there for long .
will have the internet pop out thingy . & will close ..

Darling , hey ! im awake alrdy . when are you calling me ?
you said 1plus .. hahahs (: waiting waiting ~
Well , today didnt go sch either . Like ii said , it's totally plain .
nothing to do at all ..
Sleep more to conserve energy for going out later . whahahahs !!
Gosh , Todays Friday alrdy , only like 3 more days to g0 - to
malaysia . ii dont know even whad to pack luhs .
dont even know where's e lauggage.
& yahs . Qii , at least you've done your research .
i've done nothing , nothing at all . That bitch gonna nag & gonna slap us alrdy .
hahha :D
We have to go back for e F&n remedials . Go back school ,
to the com lab & do our stuffs . " DONT LEHS " !
Oh well , finished the e zuo ju zhi wen ytd . ZhengYuanChang :XXX
looking forward to e zuo ju zhi wen 2 . Aye , see luhs .
Im all alone at home . boredom strucks again ~ * my stomach churning .
ii suddenly miss my previous phone , grrr ! hopes y0ur phone , no . IC lost too !
Yahs , ii am stupid . cause ii remember during sec 2 .
ii brought my favourite & LOVED neoprints to be placed under the plastic cover .
&&&&&&&&&& ITS ALL GONE . sighs sighs .
and talking bout this . Im gonna use the camera with films .
Will be taking with you people , 1 pic per person ii think .. ii wanna keep it in a
album , & perhaps paste it on my wall . So .. yeahs .
Alrytes .. g0 watch GOONG lers . bye ^

{/1:26 PM} Y

Thursday, May 17, 2007
let there be love .

Didnt go to school today ~
It was a last min decision , cause ii cant , & too lazy to get up from
my bed .. Since hernie and vinitha not going too :X
Slept till 1 plus , totally BORED ! woke up feeling so hungry ,
but there's nothing to eat at home . sooo , just on the laptop & started to
friendster ; blogg ; msnn ....
blablablabla . sooo BORED . ahhhhh * so , took out e zuo ju zhi wen &
started to watch - for e 5th time . Meanwhile , chatted with Hernie .
decided to try online shopping . we tried many website , but thn . only the t-shirts
caught our eyes . & thats e only stuff we bought .

kays luhs .


{/5:31 PM} Y

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
let there be love .

Well , when ii got smth to type , or wanna blog .
this thing just dont work . & now ? just trying with nothing in
my head . it just WORKS . its back to normal . GRRR !

Results known alrdy , i've done badly ..
got 2 boderline passes & 1 fail . sighs , aint suppose to even fail any .
& the goal set to us was to get 65 and above for all subs .
seriously fcuked up . cannot imagine how ii ' flare for the N' and O' .
ii need a tuition teacher . Physics , Social Studies is my weakest , ii think ii can forget bout
my f&n . dead memorising will help ? . The past few days was spent with Dars .
cam-whoring and more cam-whoring . && its all at esplanade . Fullerton as well ..
had great fun luhs ~ hmmm , just now . ii saw my stack of neoprints by chance .
so looked at them . The memories flashed back . ii wanna go back to some of
the times spent . Remembering - what we used to do , used to say . Used to * everything .
ii really missed those times . Yahs , ii know . must look forward .
So , shall think for the future ....
but right now . all ii know is . ii need MONEY ! seriously , plans , fun ,
EVERYTHING needs money . Looking forward to k box trip with Zann & co . ?? or maybe
only Zann . Our songs ! x)) hahaha . & need MONEY MONEY MONEY for
TAIWAN trip with darling . gosh , need bout thousand plus eh . ii need job !! ~
Will be going to malaysia next Tuesday alrdy . whoooo , time passes that fast .
alrytes luhs , dont wanna think so much .. wanna go sleep (:

*hopes my blue-black go off soon =D

{/7:28 PM} Y

Monday, May 07, 2007
let there be love .

everythings coming so fast . one glance , & 16 years have passed by .
what have ii actually achieved . ii really want to know .
it's actually time to plan , for FUTURE ..
what ii wanna do next time ? ii seriously got no idea ..
js spending each day like that , day by day . what's life ?

ii realised , some ppl around us are , poor things .
perhaps its the way ppl judge them w/out even understanding them ..
well , even though im complaining here & there bout whad im not
sastisfied with and stuff . im quite blessed , to have those stuffs or
other things other ppl might not have .. im glad in a way tooo .
HAHAHAHAHA . lols . thinkinggggg soo much =/

alrytes , finished the physics paper today . im sure ii gonna
fail badly for it .. sighs , how to face vp like that . ii think ,
physics ii will be getting 10/50 . in order to pass Science , chemistry got
to get 40/50 ? HAHA . thats funny .. totally GREAT . >.<
hope that the remaining three paper can be easy .
my brains not working well ! cant memorise stuffs .
& the papers need lots n lots of memorising ..... ii wanna study hard .
but , ii wanna wanna wanna watch youtube . re qing zhong xia!!!
BUT ITS ONLY UP TILL EP8 , thn ii finished it alrdy . how how ~

im real bored here . now lying on bed , with laptop on my lap ,
enjoying the cool atmosphere . oh , sphere reminds me of . 4/3 pie r sq isnt it ?
HAHAA . maths maths maths . =D

today , early in the morning , had a great start of the day .
cause got chocolate to eat , & it tastes soooo nice . x) thanks zhirong .
andd the malaysia trip , can it come sooon . ii want strawberry garden &
FIREFLYS .................. Till then people .

{/12:18 PM} Y

Sunday, May 06, 2007
let there be love .

tmr's physics , ii wanna study . but cant ...
didnt brought any physics stuff back . * laughs at myself *
... thn , wanna study for chem . went to MLG, the info needs powerpoint .
hope leon can find it ? haha . which my com dont have .
physics - chemistry - maths - F&N .
which all , what e hell .! so many things to memorise ....

well , ysd .. watch 热情仲夏 till 5am in e morning.
funny funny , its so funny . the show is hilarious . =D
alrytes wanna continue watching now ..
byee ppl ..

oh yahs . wanna see anQii market ?

{/4:25 PM} Y

Thursday, May 03, 2007
let there be love .

seriously , nowadays . Life is WHAT THE FUCK can .
Before exams , had my handphone stolen. really didnt
want to think that it's you .. but , the many
"evidence left me no choice but to believe ..
haha! >.<
ii tried to study !
but it turns out to be . whad ii manage to get in my
head DONT come out . wtf wtf !

* throws e unhappiness away ~
well , i've got my darlings . they're great :DD
we have great funs & laughter . hahahaha ..
still got a week t0 go ; before we ENJOY .
wanted to get good results , but whad am ii doing now ?
blogging ? watching tv . watching ren qing zhong xia. HAHA .
ii doubt my results turned out to my ancipitation.
oh whatever , & thank you for the book though it 's not much of help . 2am (:

pictures (:


till it comes . i'll be waiting ..

{/11:16 PM} Y