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Thursday, August 30, 2007
let there be love .

whn boredom strikes .
zanndearest !
see that hand , greedy ! Stealing some ikanbilis . x)
Kimchi' soup . but today's not that nice like before .

c0 !

It's e comic newspaper ? haha

caught ya!
whooooo .

School ! Everythings' okay .. Just that , ii did badly for my English .
Paper2 - 50/80 . Paper1 , even more jialat ! Letter writing
15half /30 . Shittyness !!!! sighs . & Compo only 18. Really DAMNED .
Darling , whn teaching me ?? :D
As planned , co wanted to go watch movie .. Before that was chatting &
slacking ard in e classroom . Saying bout ICs for DXO. haha!
blablabla, Ratt-te-too-eee supposingly but changed to EvanAlmighty in the
end .. Dead Silence was crossed out too =/
Hotel Intercontinental [ okayys , wrong spelling ] , HERE II COME !
Oh , e movie is NICE . The 3 of us were so excited during someof
e parts . WHAHAHAHAH :D
Walked ard & stuffs thn took e train back to PasirRis .
Wth can .. The train is like packed till ...................
ppls' squeezing like nobody business . * shakes head *
Slacked at McCafe . Saw Eddie & co STUDYING . =///
We're sitting , drinking our drinks chatting & singing away . We're sooo
gonna be dead .
The whole stack of discs waiting for me to watch , & to be returned .
Sorry bernard . hahahah! Toooo many shows to watchh !!
Saturday gonna go SING SINGSING SING SING ! SOOO lookin
forward to that . If only e ktv is mine . LOL
Shows for now !
Kenneth - Speedy recovery yea .
Benny - Dont riot leh . Rtc thn you know :X

{/10:58 PM} Y

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
let there be love .

prunes ! yummy ~

looked like a " hua chi . LOL
MikeHe ! <3> ' punishment .
LoyangPrimary . Just because my brother forgot
to bring the travel declaration form , have to write 500 times of
" I must remember to bring my forms . " =.=

Like ii said , today skipped school .. Sorry Darling =/
& our whole class have no girls at all !
Actually 2 went , but both endorsed home .. Leaving 4/4 with only
boys ... Wonder how is it like ..
Luckily ii didnt go to school , as tcher NV give back e Eng paper again !
Only tmr she'll give .. Zanndarling , cheer up !
So stayed home e whole day watching huanhuanai & zhongjiyijia .
Finished huanhuanai alrdy , it was great ! It made me cry like
watertap . LOL [ jh , still have to rip for me uh ! :) ]
I've got toooooooo many shows to watch . Endless yea ..
Chatted with sharon ... ii know ii know ' :D
Dont like reality !!! =/ grrrrrs .
Afterall , all those are just acts , ii know it clearly .
But ...... hopes & wants are still longed for ..
Darling , you definitely wont screw your paper1 de luh .
After all those ii read .. Wanna compare mine ? HAHA.
ii think is black & white lo ... x)

dont wack me yo Ja :DDDDDDD

{/7:40 PM} Y

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
let there be love .

Monday '
white sands /
Its only 4bucks yea ! cheappppppp . It comes with a coke .

finished item =/

A Monday , which actually planned not to go , but . Because of me
wanting to get back my Eng prelim , ii went . BUT , missNg absent! WTH can ..
Walked to ws for our lunch ! okay laaa , its not very very very nice , but it's still
acceptable , somemore at sucha price .

Tuesday '

mahjong , pyramid ? hahaha
Finished !

Sooooo dont wanna go school ! ii dont know whad happened to me ,
Nowadays , whnever ii dont feel like going school , i'll just go ahead , without
thinking of the consequences and stuffs . Lols
It rained this afternoon .. With my unprepared mood & stupid cramps , ii decided
to skip the mocks' and go home instead . The guys said they wanna mahjong ,
so we skipped tgt and went for our mahjong session . Haha . Didnt play for very long
as smth cropped up . =/ So ...... & thn bused/cabbed home .
ii think for tmr , perhaps i'll go for 1 period & endorse home .
ii know it sounds DAMN stupid & retard , but it's because of the English paper .
See , it's being dragg for 3 days :////

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~
Worrying & the feeling of that sucks .
How to de-stress ?
To my class ppl : Pls , definitely not by kicking e walls kay .

{/7:35 PM} Y

Sunday, August 26, 2007
let there be love .

Daddy broke the cups candle while packing , awww =/
While waiting for the time to come , ii watched 終極一家 ..
Went over to Granny's place .. She looked so weak & fragile .
Hope she'll be healthy , same goes for Grandpaps .
Really poor thing . =(
Afterwhich , fetch aunty & cousins to Tamp .
For our dinner at RiBenChun . SUSHIissss ..
Been craving for it lately :))))) Not bad .. & we drank sakae .
It wasnt as bad as ii thot , we took e thick and strong one somemore ..
Shopping next , aunt went into sembawang & just bought 4discs
just like that . hahahah . 60bucks ii supposed . =//
Walked around somemore , until e shops bout to close ,
bought mac & home-ed .
The song "umbrella is EVERYWHERE can . haha !
Mocks' on tues , HELPPPPP .
Tmr 's gettin back English prelim .. Hope i'll pass :D
Mummy' got different sides !
Sometimes ii really feel she's e best , but sometimes she just suck . LOL

{/10:59 PM} Y