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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
let there be love .

haha ! dont know why , nowadays like , LIKE GREEN . =DDD
well , almost everyday also cab go school . >.<>
go school lesson . check here check there .
today , not bad . end school early . english lesson at AVA .
not bad not bad . somemore , heard some *news* from darling .
whahahahah .... (: but some unplesant stuff , which is the
caning at ava . must hurt a lot sia . lol ..

After sch , YAY . went downtown with my girlfriends .
had fun . ate burger king . slack , & deciding whether or not to
eat Ben&Jerry . haha . guess whad . at first only vinitha and ella thinking .
then in the end all of us ate except hernie . =S wow ,
it's my first time that ii couldnt finish it . hahaha.
went home after that ... && LOL . slept all the way in the cool cold room ,
with my hughuhgg pooh . haa . ! yupps .
ohhhh ! ii remembered . need to bring e blazer tmr .

Been watching shows since last week . Fullhouse at first .
watched that for like erm , 4 times le .
now , Devil Beside You , which ii watched .. 5 times ?
hahahaha !! but but . totally rock luhs .
so nice can .
so sweet , if only , ii g0t a boyfriend like that , HAHA .

love my girlfriends !!!
& ii miss my darling . <33>

{/9:36 PM} Y

Monday, March 19, 2007
let there be love .

haha , OKAYS . update update ! but ii sort of forgot whad happened already .
today's monday , s0 ii shall talk b0ut thursday ? errs , shit luhs ! STM le ....
should be the day when we went his house , had talks with his daddy .
was hearing their conversation . his daddy is real good . must
appreciate mahs . ALSO , the " talk " made me feel very very bad ;
to god . sorry . went off at 12plus with da simsim , he wanted to go
central eat , so sun bian send me home . LOL . hahahaa .
FRIDAY . erm . whad did ii do ?? OH YES OH YES . woke up
at around 2 plus . met my mummy at 4plus at ICA building , to collect
my passp0rt . need to wait for 183 ppl in front of us . ( OH 183 , WANGSHAOWEI )
okays okays . so , getting bored sitting there , we went to their cafeteria , which SUCKS real badly , like whad darling said . =D went up & it's our turn . s0 heng .
kays , after that my mummy went home , which ii went t0 meet darling at novena .
she cut her hair , like little kid le . whhahhahas . after hair cut , went t0
plaza sing for presents . she bought hers , ii bought mine . thn thn , we g0 hougang . the stupid hougang plaza always hard to find . HAHA . there g0t
pasar malam , so so buy some food & to k b0x . it's 10 - 3 ..
sang sang , and looking for whad song to sing at sat . haaa ..
had stupid moments in the room . LOL LOL ..
after that cabbed back t0 darling's place . tired tired !
s0 slept , & woke up early l0r ... cause have to g0 audition .
so traveled t0 chinatown . lalala . some sang real good !
darling t0o nervous . (: next time bahs . went to eat and searching for
her famous egg tart . hhahha .. then they wanted to slack .
but nahs . ii needed HOME . when it's around 5+ 6. went t0 chang's place . to celebrate . NICE NICE CHOCOLATE CAKE . !!!! =DDDD
his cousins , erm erm . * shakes head *
lalalalala , went central . sit down talk talk ... haha ,
made a bad choice hor yan ? hahaha ... but at least g0t cab home kays .
yuppps . & ii spend my sunday at home .
TODAY . lol ..... didnt g0 school . cause ii woke up at 8 ,
go school also bms . so continued sleeping . (:
yah . thats all ..

ii want cheesecake !
ii want chester !
ii want chocolateee .....

{/1:54 PM} Y

Saturday, March 10, 2007
let there be love .

well , UPDATE yeah ? haha .. but seriously , there's
nothing much luhs . Everyday passes quickly , & there's
no " achievement " whatsoever thing . Been slacking
around , j0king , eating , slping . Realised , arent we
wasting time ? SIGHS . guess that's life
without g0als & plans .
NEVERMIND . lets c0ntinue .
my dear liying lost her wallet . fuck e one who took it !
okays .. probably she misplaced it , but
98% of chances are , someone took it .
well , if you wanna take her little amount of money .
TAKE IT . at least return her the IC ?
okok , whad ii can rmb is ,
thurs , we went loyang point , cause they
needed to buy stuffs for the flee market ..Big & small
plastic bags t0 liying house . packed up . Off to Jared's house .
bef0re that , went to report to the police . Ella & zann bought
e ingredients for COOKIES ! =D lalala ~ thn jared's place .
whoooo ! his room was commented GREAT , COOOL , GOOD by
everyone . hahaha .. thn spent hours at his kitchen . till around 10plus 11.
the cookies taste great luhs . thanks t0 ella .. (:(:
DUH , Friday .
had the flee market , well ,
all of us had hopes for our hamper . but but .
the results turn out , very dissapointing . its alright..
wooooo ! cranberry noughat is NICE L0R . thanks thanks (:
afternoon went slacking again . till night ..
actually wanted to g0 do my passp0rt
in the morning de . but mum say sat too many ppl .
so doing it during e holi .. went back to slp till around
1plus . woke up ate , tv . back to slp again . was t0o bored .
thn 5plus wake up . bath and get ready .
Went elias mall to meet the guys , yay . had our japanese food .
only sad bec0s dont have my octopus or squid . grrr !
oh , love the ice-cream . and im craving f0r it now ... heee .
kays l0r . go watch scooby d0o now . LOL .
love love love love
ii want watch CDs .
ii want ICE-CREAM .
ii want big big big bear .. HAHA !

{/11:14 PM} Y

Saturday, March 03, 2007
let there be love .

{/10:48 PM} Y

well , should update a little .. sorry darl . HAHA .. t0o lazy to update .
myg0d . ii forgot whad happened the previous days . >.<
okok , finally got back my mp3 from leef0ngting . school was pretty
normal . getting more shagger .. more tired in class . sighs . let me talk b0ut
thurs . which is our sports day . wake up early in the morning . end up they still
slping . ! hahhaa . end up while waiting , ii fall asleep too . thn , after getting
e call , prepared . AND IT WAS raining . tot it will be canceled . but since they
say they still g0ing . so ii went . The bus just left whn ii went down . s0 , CAB ..
but there was no normal cab . took a merz ( d0ntknow how to spell luhs ) cab .
only extra 30cents . =DD reached there . just like every year , houses . sit down for 1-2hours .
funny , didnt know that can get out of that place from the toilet . (:(:
kays , when the event ended . we went to the 1 plate 99cent sushi . !! haahhaa .
waited for b0ut half an hour before they are open . After eating , went home to change
and went back to tamp to watch epic movie . it's quite funny de . LOL .
haahaa. NACHOS . cant believe . ii cannot finish my cheesy hotdog .
gave it to bernard . DEBBIE ; met him . hahaa . okays luhs ~
hmmmm , jared wanna go fix his hp , went nokia care . waited for so long .
thn i k kiang . g0 to the chocolate stall . ended up buying 5 pieces of chocolate for
10buck .. hahaha . my money FLY . lol . but it's worth it lo . especially the
round round de . =XX
i'll come back to write bout ysd .
now have to go bath to go vinitha h0use le . Im LATE ! xD
PROJECT to be done . im NOT lying .. =SSS

{/1:41 PM} Y