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Monday, April 23, 2007
let there be love .

sighs sighs . whad has c0me over me ?
why am ii feeling s0 down ? =/ the exams are c0ming .
In fact .. its so so so near . next wed .. & ii havent d0ne anything .
why why . whad t0 do whad t0 d0 .. grrrr .
suddenly feel so stress . just feel like bursting ..

alrytes , but there will be laughters with my dear girls .
of course not forgeting the boys . THANKS ..
yesterday went t0 " study . err . got at least study a bit luh .
duck rice . =D
watched e shows .. its so sweet lo . (: (:
yuppp . thn around 11plus .
a call came in . thn talk talk talk talk ... was so funny . LOL .
make me laugh >.<>
aye , whadever luh . brother 's having high fever now t0oooo .

goodbye `

{/8:19 PM} Y

Sunday, April 22, 2007
let there be love .

YAY. hahaha . yay-ing cause ii saw albert . was shocked luh . =D
somemore working for 3 years alrdy .. had laughter yesterday .. wont g0
into e details . LOL . aye , nothing much in my mind . dont know whad to type .
mon-fri , At the Dolphin Bay . 6.00 - 7.00 . sat & sun , wang zi bian qing wa .
lapt0p , y0utubing . mars . meteor garden .
disc . fullhouse , goong . HAHAHHAHAA .
like just wth im doing . exams c0ming . & im into watching the shows .
havent even started studying a thing . how can ii meet e vp's qi wang .
sighs . need help !

{/11:29 AM} Y

Monday, April 16, 2007
let there be love .

oh god . seriously , ii dont know why ii will have sucha br0ther .
haha . its t0tally =.= . his thinking . l0ls . he's like primary 4 now . & behave like ,
pri 1 or 2 ? sighs .. somemore . dont know why . he just said he wanna g0 swimming .
and omg . he 's like g0ing to swim alone . blablabla . & he is quite gay lo . mygod ..
dont know when he can think & behave like our age now . LOL
hhaha . hmmm , so . friday went t0 e chalet . happy birthday qianwen (:
well , the thing that ii can rmb is chang . hahaa . v0mit like whad sia ..
better d0nt drink more thn you can handle . previous post ii mention that ii was
thinking whether a nt t0 go back e chalet . ii decided to go .
but but but . ii fell asleep . till sat 11+ .... untill peishan called me . asking
whad time are we gonna meet darling . ii acc her t0 kelvin aunty h0use
to cut her hair .. thn proceeded to h0ugang k box to meet up with darling &
friends . hahaha ! peishan just sit down only thn she have to either sing/dance lerws .
cause was playing * zhong ji mi ma . thn she ti0 .. =DDDD out of that many times .
ii kana once , & sang sheng ri kuai le . after the singing .
met up more friends . and went down to bark's . ate spag . hmmm , should start to
learn from cristal . no food after 7 . no drink after 9 . =D
welll . boss was kind . gave us 5 or 6 bottles of jimbeam free . & it was NICE .
lalala . chatted and everything .. then some went h0me .. darling & ii came back pasir ris .
thn she went to meet fatt & ppl . ii went h0me . was fcking tired . ahaha .
for both days . mummy was shocked . to see me coming home .
cause she thought ii wont be home for that tw0 days . (:
ohkays okays ! shall g0 watch zhan shen lers .
byes . ^^

{/2:57 PM} Y

Friday, April 13, 2007
let there be love .

hmmm . t0day which is the friday 13th isnt that " sway " luh . but ii cann0t say that f0r
my hernie dAr . c0s she got her left hand step on twice within 15mins . haa .. poor girl .
sch0ol. first period f&n >.< . have t0 face her againn . l0ls .. went in , knew she'll ask wheres the rest - refering t0 qii , eddie , kala dAr . haha! today nur dAr als0 didnt went sch , due t0 WAKE UP LATE .
humph ! hahahaa . but f&n is always slack . ate the bai guo yi mii followed by going to the library
to see some mersmerising ( should be wrong spelling ) chocolate book .
yay ! haha.. gonna drool lers .
thn came PE . my 2.4km run , tcher told me
ii got 18.10 which they say failed . but ii saw other ppl passing with 18.10 .
totally wth ?!?!?! yupp . so , mr lim said today ii no need run first . =D
so its badminton playing time !! (:(: with the funny humourus tcher .
yeahs , maths was okay . topic : variation
NOT BAD . seriously , have to thank miss norul so so so much nor .
cos of her , at least ii passed my chemistry .
sorry , but miss lee teaching ,ii really
cannot understand . so flunk e paper . so once again ,
thanks miss norul ! =D
school dismissal was 1235 , but ended up going home only
at 330 . due to the napfa luh . sighs .
hey hey ! first time ii passed my shuttle run .
damn happy kays .
sit up like everyyear .
incline pull up which ii kinda suck at .
sit & reach is my favourite .
&& standing board jump -- you know it . YOU know .
whahahhaas .
after that went home .. didnt ps you mr png . =x
nua-ing at home till bout 6+ 7 . so cabbed to downtown . lol ..
oh . tmr singing k . heeee ..
should be meeting darling around 12plus ? or later a bit luh .
you know its too early for me right . yah .
thats b0ut it .. now thinking whether a nt t0 go back chalet .
so type type a while first .
NO ONE 's at home e . all at airport .
my aunty& granny is back ! =DDDDD

{/11:57 PM} Y

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
let there be love .

hhaa ~ finally g0t rid of the stupid stupid thing . School days again , d0nt know why but im
just very sick of going sch . ahhh . think of exams , future stuff . can die man ..
at least ii have my dars . haha . This few days have been disc-marathon again ..
repeating , fullhouse . goong . devil beside you . it started with a kiss . lalala , & somemore luh .
lazy think . l0ls . into gh0st / horror / thrill . aAHAHAHS . we'll g0t
art of the devil . as in rented it from video ezy. yuppps . watched it , hahaaha!
drill ur head . burn ur face . bloody .....
LOL . seriously . it so so so so damn fast nor . look at the date .
its like alrdy year 2007 , my god . why is everything happening so fast .
from the time ii was sec 1 , ii wanted so badly t0 be sec 4 . & look now . sec 4 but no
excitement or whadsoever . hahahhaa .
hmmm , since just now . i've been looking thru my testi from the last page .'
freaking hilarious luhs !! && missing those past , those times nor .
& ii didnt even know . some ppl ii used t0 know last time isnt my friend now . LOL .
errrrrrrr . like very complicating . nvm , ii understand can lers . hahahas !

my aunty & granny 's at thailand ? OH SHIT . ii forgot where
they are at .. haa . just overseas . h0pe that they can come back
safety . this friday gonna go pick them up . sat
going to meet darl . celebrating bd .. look forward ?
oh gosh , tmr got physics test . shag shag ..

ii want ice-skating . ! ii want food food food .
hungry hungry . (:

{/3:34 PM} Y

Thursday, April 05, 2007
let there be love .

oh god ! how can ii left out my dear JOYA . =DD
dont know how t0 spell , but should be luhs ! (:

SITI ; WEILING ; JOYA ; MARIAM ; KALA ; NUR ; TINGMEI ============================================


sorry , but my blog gonna die lers . closing it lers bahs !
darling , M hotel & gallery h0tel . both the website nv put e price de leis !
hahas . mama says , must call them t0 ask neh .
okays . since yesterday . ii started to watch GOONG again . LOL .
dont know ii repeated how many times alrdy . but who cares .
it's A DAMN NICE show . hahas . && GOONG 2 / GOONG S .
grrrrr . like , spoil my impresion of goong . probably it's also nice ?
but the first episode doesnt give me the spur to continue watching .
but the first episode had ZAJIANGMIAN . which ii feel like eating now . whahahahs .
well . CG got silver . girls , dont be t0 upset b0ut it . the judges are mailto:!@#$%^&*()*&amp;^%$# .
enjoy , with my DARs . haas . im hungry now now now !

bored as well .
dear peishan . when are y0u going to reply me .
hahahahahhaha !!!

{/4:03 PM} Y

Wednesday, April 04, 2007
let there be love .

hahas ! since how long ii didnt blog lers ? ii should be closing this
blog lia0s . lalalas . had fun with my DARs , & the guys . lol .
today also fun ! 0ur names , SITI - me . WEILING - hernie . NOOR / NUR - vinitha . MARIAM - liyingg . TINGMEI - ella . KALA - suhaida yahs , should be n0 more lia0s . =D hhahhahs . had our laughs , went bugis after sch .

LOVE - the food !
oh gosh , feel like eating sushi now . hhaa ! (:

aye , shag now .. watch tv lers .


{/9:06 PM} Y