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Monday, February 26, 2007
let there be love .

{/9:32 PM} Y

Thursday, February 22, 2007
let there be love .

my god ! hahahas . now that ii have a TEMPORARY maid . it feels so weird luhs !
just reached home . put my bag down . she go take it and keep . ask me whad ii wanna
eat . ii go to the fridge . thn she say got apple . ii say okay . she took it out and proceed to
peel and cut . went in da room to on laptop . she came in with e apples . she folds all my blanket and stufff okay luhs . ii know whad she's doing is perfectly normal . since already said she 's a MAID . but but .. really uncomfortable . she's like , help me do whad ii wanna to .
pass me water and others . hahaa !! well , the past few days , have been gambling again . its like eating . everytime also must play . seriously , ii must cut down le . LOSING MONEY .
oh poor myron . owe ppl hundreds of dollars .. damn sad . ggrrrrs ! then ii think of bernard & jili.
everytime beat . LOL . pain de ok . ! ahahahs . faggort . sighs , homework not done .
now still thinking whether to meet them , GAMBLE . lalalas . lol .
sighs darling , ii wanna TAIWAN !! still damn long . and they also dont know
allow me go not . ahhhhhhhhhhh , whad we gonna do really makes me drool . haahahas .
have to save at least 1700 right ? sians ..
mamaperfume ; haha ! still like his perfume best . LOL .
should ii go ? or should ii just stay home . haha ..
AHHHH , ****** & ***** , ii really think you both will be together . hahaas .


ii wanna watch discs , like e holidays .
everyday stay home chiong vcd .
anyone can lend some disc t0 watch ?


{/2:42 PM} Y

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
let there be love .

{/10:38 PM} Y

HEY ! hahas . realised long time never blog le . but wait , als0 not that
long luhs . =D hmmmms , shall update a lil . shall talk b0ut the trip to
AMK . al0ne , with my laptop . hahaha ! damn funny luhs . everybody was
like staring at me , like totally wth , you are using a laptop on da bus , eating chocolate
and drinking a packet of green tea . so , the 45mins trip alone seemed short .
beside me , that guy ah , LOVE his perfume sia . a little like den one .
which ii like ; NICE ! ate e dinner .. ( oh , the reunion dinner day ) .
thn after that my aunt & cousin came . they had mahjong !
we bored till wanna rot . So , we wanna go watch movie .
but ah . its damn stupid lo . the JUBILEE website say got this timing .
when we went down , DONT HAVE . grrrr !! in the end we went mac , slack .
omgomg . bec0s ii went AMK straight for 3 days . ii forgotten whad actually
happen on which day . nvm , just blog those more interesting ones .
ahhhh ! my grandma was mopping the floor . ii didnt know it was THAT
slippery lo . ii just walked thru and lalala . FELL ! hahah , and knock my head
with a great thud . LOL . my right butt pain like whad . >.<
oh and my dear cousin is afraid of CATS . nono . DAMNDAMNDAMN
AFRAID . must walk dont know how big round . hahas .
we was waking on the pathway , with no0ne around .
suddenly got a " oldman ? riding a bike . he stood up , we thot he wanna
ride fast fast . till we hear e FART sound . lol . we laugh till we can die .
hahahah ! another incident is . we slack at kfc . infront of us is e
toilet . so we see ppl going in and out .
till one guy .. my cousin saw him NEVER lock e door .
so she *say say , - whad if ii go open his door now ? .
THEN , this moment . got a lady opened e door . HAHAHAHAHAHAH ~~~
kan paiseh !!!! we also laugh lo .. ermerm .. a bit forgot some details already .
oh ya , we went mc cafe , ate cheesecake . ice chocolate . sat on e swing .
another day we went jubilee again . to watch movie . c0s e adults ,
MAHJONG everyday . aahha . so it was 11plus we went to watch .
at first wanna watch ghost rider . epic movie . but but ! they lousy luhs .
no timing . we watch MEI NU SHI SHEN . its DARN NICE . !
laughs * if only there's such a guy who love me that much .
and that nice . LOL . hahahahhas ..
okays luhs . needa go le . meeting them ~
shall upload pics later on ..

{/12:43 PM} Y

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
let there be love .

COUGH !!!! ~

hahahs . thanks f0r e presents yea ?

kays , shall put up the photo we took .
( christina , peishan ME . )

pretty girlfriends (: !
they 're great !! heee ~

{/10:01 PM} Y

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
let there be love .

sighs ~ sad luhs . cause my neeon kana c0nfiscatated ..

grrrrs !! thn , went home bath and go out le ..

tamp t0 slack , lalala . .

also sad c0s my " ling ling " drop liao . no sound already !!

=((( then , damn sick now lo .

just now chicken rice ate a little bit . really d0nt know why
all these days cannot eat lehs . NO appetite ..


really wanna go die . darling kill me pls . LOL
tmr still g0t SS test , but f0rgot to bring book home .

sighs sighs sighs .......

BUT HEY ! --->


( d0ng fang shen qi )

MYGOD .. =)))

HAHA .. lol .

take picture pict pict . =x

{/9:17 PM} Y

Monday, February 12, 2007
let there be love .

perhaps .. NO . ii guess it 's a must .
too wrong . =P haha ..
d0nt know whad im thinking t0o .
ahahahhas . okays .
again & again .
gambled t0day .
myg0d . feel like eating chocolates ,
strawberries , cheesecake .
HA ! today didnt eat also .
dont know why ; seriously not hungry .
ehh , actually no . ii ate .
2 stripe of sweet ,
1 slice of tomato , and bubbletea ,
kikapo . =DDDD
sighs sssss ~~ real sian sia .
kays , watch tv luhs .

{/9:33 PM} Y

Sunday, February 11, 2007
let there be love .

lose money ~ hahahas . gambling could really be bad ..
yesterday went liying h0use , with e same ppl . slack , cards ..
whn its b0ut 7plus , we went off . ii went to meet my darling .
the rest went central . haha ! we went tamp , walked around .
shit , ii forgot whad else we did . thn , took bus29 t0 buck cafe .
YAY !! topshell finally . drank beer .. we chatted ,
with the ppl there too . really ah , they PSYCO .
jeslyn work luhs , work very good . lalalas ..
thn ah , somebody say today go church .. hahahas . another
bunch of ppl came . they said olivia is HOT ! =D
eric & his friend came. thn they played pool . b0ut 2plus ?
or 3plus ? we cabbed home . and als0 , THANKS eric for sending
me home . (:
t0day , left home at 6plus , kana nagg by mum .
went church , ate katong laksa , parkway .. in the end went tamp safra .
pooled . slacked .. LOL . so , went back to liying house .
After that , we went bark cafe . pooled , drink & eat .
and walked back .. poor liying , never bring key .
lucky y0u've got D . haha .. sorry ah , me & yan never go back .
ii really cant , mum KP KP . yupps .
lastly , thank ah yan f0r sending me h0me too . (:

SHAGGED . tmr g0tta go school again .
sighs ~ somemore maths test .
havent even study a single thing . ><

{/8:45 PM} Y

Saturday, February 10, 2007
let there be love .

whoooo ~ im at liying 's house now . b0ring , they havent reach . ahaha ..
and later g0nna go meet my darling . t0 go shop shop . perhaps , during the night , we g0 watch movie 0r sing song ? hhaha . depend on wilson & lok ? HAHA .. yuppps .
( liying is now sweeping the floor . =X ) =DDDD sighs , sian ED . '
sharon and company went t0 watch lu0zhixiang luhs . wanna g0 ;
but too bad . really hate squeezing with SO MANY PPL . ! so ,
forget it luhs .. grrr , past few days had been the same .
cards cards & more cards , d0nt know why human beings w0nt get sick b0ut it .
kays luhs . shall st0p here . damn tired !! g0 rest on her bed le . (:

{/2:17 PM} Y

Friday, February 09, 2007
let there be love .

h0 ! here ii am early in da m0rning . ii just cant fall asleep . w0ke up at 530 . LOL
sians . ~ st0mach pain . and n0n-stop sneezing . grrrr !! ii gg0t c0ver blanket okay .
hahahas . d0nt know why . sighs .. heng later no need go PE . thank y0u luhs
mummy (: and ii als0 realised . ii' havent see my daddy for like 4 days already ? morning ii wake up he go work . night ii sleeping he comes back . im kinda missing him already !!( my museous , neuclous AYE , ii dont know how to spell , like waterfall sia . coming out of my house . hahahha ) kays luhs .

ii g0 prepare le . cannot miss my 359 ;
take care ~

{/6:13 AM} Y

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
let there be love .


the noodles ii ate , with

darling . At cinileisure ; xin wang cafe =D

hahahs . not bad , but ii cant

finish . =s

e nice moon . haha . was very round .

at my block (:

hmmmms ; took this when ii went k-b0x with my cousin . should be bout 2 or 3 weeks ago . haha . sing sing , yining is a meinu (:


oh ,, was ZHIYANG . lol . he was like right in front of me .

and cindy was shocked luhs . ! haha ..

Bens & jerry f0r today . haha.. my 5.50 gone .
hahahahas . but its damn nice .
im like eating ice cream for like thrice already this week ?
my god . fat till dont know whad liao .

{/3:28 PM} Y

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
let there be love .

whats going on today ?!?!
already pissed off with my neeon spoilt .
the battery just wont be low . it just stuck there .
nothing happen when ii put in the usb cable . took out my maths
homework , ii seriously dont know how lo !
irritated , chemistry also dont know .
realised how stupid ii am .
Then , my brother have to eat eat eat eat ! he 's already
fucking fat . also have some restrictions.
aint supposed to eat some stuffs . which he ATE just now too .
NON-STOP eating de.
He wanna use lapt0p , okays nevermind . ii let him .
he closed the door . suddenly smth dropped .
thot it was aunty that dropped her plate or cup.
Went into e room to slp , there he was , handling with the laptop .
saw the broken pieces of " my cup .
fuck luhs ! luckily not my RAIN cup .
he walked off , like as if nothing happened .
called his friend , walked to computer ;
everyday also maple .
doesnt even care bout his homework .
NOW , he calls mummy ,
crap a lot . sure in the end , mummy would
treat him like he's sucha good boy .
whatever luhs , dont even know why
i've got sucha a brother , his attitude &
character , grow up CONFIRM kana beat !!
then i'll laugh . LOL .
ahhhh , he also forgot to lock e door .
which is like not the first time ,
keys left outside . blabla .
he's now enjoying his cartoon also .
OMG , i've crapped quite a lot bout him too .
lol . sorry arhs ~ okays , now just hope
that my neeon get well .. LOL .

{/5:45 PM} Y

FUCK ! .
e hot weather .
SIGHS , and its irritating luhs .
- my neeon jam ED . GRRRRs !

Okays , felt much more better with my airc0n .. but
still got to wait till neeon low batt before ii can charge it ? my g0d .
now ii charge , totally no effect . KONGYANG , you said wait till low
batt de arhs . trust you kays . Realised my studies are starting to deprove.
my level of understanding , standard , all dropped .Then ii was thinking ,
was it a wrong choice for me to choose , - not taking N level ?
d0nt know . seriously exams& school really suck my blood . LOL .
angeline's phrase (: perhaps ii should just think on the brighter side .
hahas ! went NTUC just now . bought my seaweed , vitasoy and ch0c0late .
total cost me $9.30 . ii just took the items without looking at the price .
hahahah .. At least smth to make me happy . came up the
escalator . and ii think ii saw jingkai ? not sure too .
nevermind , since he also dont know me . =DD
Maths homework , ii dont know how to do ! ahhhhh ,
guess ii needed tuition badly . for Maths , Science .
my humanities also quite bad . sighs sighs ~
t0day's only Tuesday , ii want it to be Friday lehs .
sian luhs .. those guys went gamble AGAIN .
really addicts liao .

daren won . ii know ~ hahaha .. and ii also
know im on tv . dont need to say so loud . somemore ;
OMG , got repeat . sian sian sian sian ..

it wasnt a choice to make ;
believe in what you think it's right .

{/3:30 PM} Y

Monday, February 05, 2007
let there be love .

lalala ~ lifes boring . im b0red . sighs .. damn sian luhs . sch0ol ! grrrs .
okays . today , friends see me and say . jeslyn ii saw you on tv . jeslyn , you're on tv . hahaah . ya ii know ii know . :( lol . other thn that , nothing much happened in school . missy0ng ah , seriously .......... . waited for sharon & guys after that . walked to central , ate my chicken chop . Finally felt very very hungry . =D glad . th0t whad happened to me sia . got problem with me if im not eating . haha . botak went buy poker cards . gamble again ~~ liying came down the bus cause she saw us . i went home . the rest went sharon's house outside to play cards . s0 , she poor thing have to walk home alone , with her injured leg .

ii wanna salute the creator of youtube luhs (:
hahahas . let me watch my SHOWS . yay yay !!
now while typing , im waiting for hana kimi ep 12 to load ,
and also zhuan jia0 yu shang ai . =x both nice show ..
sighs sighs ~ my leg uh . damn disgusting lo .
crocodile , lizard , whatever you call it . disgusting skin .
omg , but better thn my brother luhs . guess it's in my family .

ohoh , suddenly th0t of bark's cafe .
ii wanna drink my strawberry soda , and and ..
from X'mas say till now want eat my t0pshell , till now also havent
eat . grrrrrs . when ah darling ? hhaha .. Friday you going down right ?
whahahah . AHHHH , pe0ple ;
this sat XIAO ZHU AUTOGRAPH SESSION , who g0ing ??
hahas . at J8 .... hmmmmms , havent d0ne my chemistry homework.
=D okays , go watch my show first .

post tmr again (:
takecare ~

{/4:04 PM} Y

Sunday, February 04, 2007
let there be love .

OH MY GOD . im posting now . because im happy luhs !!
seri0usly sooooooo happy !!
hehehe ~ woo . jili also got watch de ..
=D he also support DAREN wor (:
hahahas , LOVES .

{/10:49 PM} Y

Here comes my Saturday . went bugis with bernard kongyang jared benny . they wanna go buy clothes . and bernard freaking spent 100+ ii think . hahahas . walked till a bit tired . wah !! make me sian is , cause the traffic from bugis junction to bugis street . you see also scared .. guess whad we do . climb over the fence lo . luckily ii wear pants . but sian luhs !! we cross here and there bout 4 , 5 times . so have to climb over n over again . grrr !! sians . thn we walked walked walked.. they hungry le so we went bugis cafe ii think , or smth like that ii forgot le . dont know why , ii dont feel hungry at all . so never eat anything for the whole 2 days . we walked again . this time saw yunchang max ahyan and one more guy . haaha .. nothing much after that luhs . took the train back . went home feeling so tired . bathed & went to sleep .

Sunday - woke up late .. cant sleep well , dont know why also .. was fliping here and there . sighs . used da laptop . lalalas . thn peishan called me asking to go out . s0 , met her and christina at shar0n's place . omg . christina becomed so pretty luhs ! (: we went tampines . christina bought a shirt . ii bought a "slipper " from charles and keith . oh no . there goes my 30bucks . >.<>
okaokays . back to say tampines . went food court as ii finally feel hungry . but just ate a little bit of noodles . and 2 fishy fishball . =x Went whitesands after that . peishan bought her gold big earrings . ii suggested that we buy BEN'S AND JERRY . YAY YAY !! damn nice . we went outside for a while to take photo togethr . =DD go shop shop again . NTUC to buy a drink . ps luhs . why buy AQUA ? TOLD YOU ICE MOUNTAIN IS SO MUCH BETTER . dont heed my advice . haha .. nana & ii bought chicken wings ps bought potato , water rise potatoe is grreat ! heee . ii hurried them . cause need to get home by 730 . SUPERSTAR !! daren l0ves . =p=p=p ..... sighs , damn paiseh luhs . why put me in there . grrrrr !! somemore so many ppl watching . hahahahahahha !!!!! stupid darling , still got record . lol . yay . Thailand score 1 le . but odds damn little . =x nevermind , play only . okays luhs .. wanna go see superstar , xiaoyuer yu huawuque , soccer le . LOL LOL .
BYE PPL ~ =))

{/7:56 PM} Y

Friday , went to see the basketball match . Coral vs Ping Yi .. It was exciting !
when the opposite side score the first 2 points , kan kiong already . In the end , coral lost by ii forgot how many points , but should give them claps !! they're great . haha. then actually we wanna go bugis de . Botak & cindy cannot , yunchang ah yan go home. The rest of us went loyang point to slack . Alice asked me not to quit luhs , but guessed ii 've to say sorry cause ii have decided to quit already . Will miss you ppl de ! we shall go out together sometimes . hahahas =X
thn , we went food court , drank .LOL . At the rooftop , they funny luhs ! jump ? not jump ? you dare ? want not . after you jump ii jump . HAHAHA !!!! in the end , didnt jump down the " building , only jumped into
the so called " drain .. like that , need courage lo . ii think ii die also wont jump . wahahahs ..
chang came . liying came . ahyan came . walk walk , then we sat at a void deck . you know what ? PLAY CARDS AGAIN . my god . been "gambling all the way sia .
accompanied liying to her house . put on her bandage blabla . cream spray . Meanwhile , ii watched tv . freaking LOVE his room . Walked home alone at 1+ . yea.. Thats all for my Friday .
will blog bout Saturday later when ii come back . now gonna go bath and meet shan le .

{/2:32 PM} Y