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Thursday, January 31, 2008
let there be love .

My drawing on the physics paper:)
Firstly, welcome kai to our class hahs .
Got back physics&maths test, totally not well done at all .
ii really hope school wont turn me off , better have no more thoughts
of pon-ing alrdy .
Mood down lately .=/
many many many thoughts in my mind .
Not able to even slp well, dont understand why . Slp used to be
my 'best' thing luh . aye, ii wanna stop waking up in the middle of the
night . Any idea how ? Pills ? lol
ii hope my friends wont desert me or drift away. . i've got the dream which is real
scary .A bit like that tanjili's one . sigh
& im soooooooooooo in need of money now . Got debts debts debts and
so many things in mind to get . $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

{/6:48 PM} Y

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
let there be love .

My dear neighbour advised me on courses&schools.
& not to waste my time on doing smth ii dont like just because of
my laziness, dont wanna go schs that are far far away .
hmmmm. Said, dont get into r/s now , cause in the end also will brk up.
So no point , poly le thn find . Haha =//

& Tp's masscom manager is daryl . oooo =]
bahhhhh . Hope'll find a course that im interested in soon .
15points and below :))))))

Ciaoza again, love.

{/9:06 PM} Y

Really unlucky! Go all the way thr just to see " Sorry,we're close "
my oreoooo :(

yumyum tree's oreo =/
blackpepper rice
ha0's house area for the afternoon. Able to cut some calories cause of
the distance.. Hernie&ii loved the oreo blended thr ! So we have to go
all the way thr just for 1cup of drink, haaa. Very disappointed to see it close
luh can , no choice but to try another oreo blended to satisfy
our craving.

ii've gained quite some weight. Thanks to the 'everyday routine',which
is eat.sleep.eat.sleep.eat.slpslpslp! Thou slping does
help me reduce weight. =/
im missing p.i.g.g.y.b.a.c.k.s. !

Looking forward to friday, can see your piercing.
But it's at your nose ryt ? hmmm...
Sunday, singing session.. Cant wait to sing & of course listen to
you guys sing. SOUP&HOT CHRYSANTHMEM here ii come , heh.
o. so ii better save 10bucks for the session :)

my dearest neighbour, do you read my blog?
james ah james, send me to school lei! ii lazy walk or take bus le .
Car car car car car. Haaa.
as if he reads=.=
lovelovelove mike!

{/7:52 PM} Y

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
let there be love .

Today's lessons = slacking.
Many laughters too .

Bout picture discussion
Miss evonne tham: Why the girl's crying?
Mandeep: Cause she's pregnant.
Miss evonne tham: Why the boy's laughing?
Mandeep: Cause he got her pregnant!
Thou it doesnt seemed funny at all, but at the point of
time in class , everyone goes HAHAHA! :D

yummy !

Ya i'll try to do well in O' k. :)
ii lovelovelove MIKE !

{/5:29 PM} Y

Monday, January 28, 2008
let there be love .

Awww, how ii wished i've got a nice,sweet
boyfriend tooo. Hahs .
Look at how boring my life can be, fuck.
whad matters now, look on the bright side :)
Piercing/tattoo love.
SPOP so ciaoza.

{/8:31 PM} Y

Sunday, January 27, 2008
let there be love .

Okay, finally a brk from school. So met up & went town.
Spent a couple of hours eating Eljay at cine , cause of the talks!
Laugh like nobody business, guess ppl thr are always looking at us =/
As usual, walked to wisma , topman. With silly us playing JINX!
hahahaahhaaahahha . :))) oh & dear darling burnt the hair. =|
Slack at coffee club after that , waiting for them to come .
No money for Barcode, so PLAY for the night . Dance till 4 and
cabbed back to elias.
Waved goodbye & move on :)

{/4:19 PM} Y

Friday, January 25, 2008
let there be love .

Baaaaaaaaaaaa, school as usual.
Regarding to my dear friends that took their results ytd.
Wasnt that bad luh . :) Cheers^^
Darling uh , you could have done better de lo =/
Thou, MOVE ON~
你身上专属的陌生味道 .

{/8:54 PM} Y

Thursday, January 24, 2008
let there be love .

sigh. Really very very very very sad now .
Cant get in ite. =/
Why did ii bypass in the first place =((((
ii dont want Coral! fuck.

{/6:03 PM} Y

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
let there be love .

School is fucking boring can. Everyday same routine, sigh.
Really shagness =/ But whad can ii do? as whad they say,
Alryt, kinda regret bypassing Nlevel, though its shiok to just get up
to sec5 without any national exams. Cause now im sick of school alrdy.
ITE is in my mind now . & i'll say goodbye to F&N coursework lol.
But theres so much to consider ................ fuckit fuckit!
There's so much sweetness out there. So much, but not to us sadly.
&& hate the driftness due to change of environment. Ppl changed .
ii dont wanna separated with you all :(
Money matters now a lot also All those scams STOP pls ! =x
My dearest friends are taking their results tmr . Hope they'll do
well ! All the best k.
My bill is damn ex....... cause of Taiwan usage :(
Didnt know Incoming calls also need to be paid for so ii
happily happily talk & talk & talk only .

{/6:44 PM} Y

Monday, January 21, 2008
let there be love .

Spent my whole Saturday at home , watching WitchYoohee & rotting .
Thn Sunday, slept thru out till around evening to get ready to go to
the dinner . It's at Safra MountFaber..
Felted so blisses luh, whn they said ' I Do ' .
& when they exchanged rings . + that little peck on the lips . Awwww.
* 99 roses are really heavy.
Hope they'll be happy thru out ! :))
& guess whad. my table only had 5 persons . Which means all food ii can
actually have 3-4 portions . LOL =D
Downtown-ed after school for lunch . Thanks ANDY ! :)
Ate a lottttt ! Gained a few kg ii supposed =/
my Lily, stay strong k . you can do it .
Hug you again!! :D
Fuck luh , i hate departures and related stuffs . fuck it.

{/5:00 PM} Y

Saturday, January 19, 2008
let there be love .

Today that im all alone .
Emptyness filled me, lots of it .
Though i've got my good friends around..
,, throw all these away pls .
whads happening!

{/7:27 PM} Y

Finally, weekends are here . School this week passes quite slowly .
Endorsing,running away is part of it . =/
HappyBirthday,Debbie! [1801]
HappyBirthday,Sharon! [1901]
Happy17th love.
So had dinner tgt ytd at Marina's JinLong chinese restuarant .
Laughters+tears =|
Waiting for Bark's @ Downtown to be open :)
Topshell,strawberry soda,chickenwing =]]]]]
Baaaaaaa. Envious luh..
I'll miss but forget :)

{/2:23 PM} Y