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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
let there be love .

Im missing soooo many, just so many ppl.
ii wanna give them the tightest hug ever!! :(((((((
im gonna flunk both ss and fnn . im so dead cause vp's going to call my parents
down even after her 'scoldings just now.
k, studying at downtown later , followed by Ironman :)
hope i'll wont do badly ...

{/4:39 PM} Y

Monday, April 28, 2008
let there be love .

School. F&N practical. Haji lane.Mahjong.Macdonalds.Tuition. Midyear.Dota
That sums up my days ..
Seeing 2 breakups as well.
Finished watching 恶作剧2吻 already. ii wan my zhishu! :(
江直树 love.
50bucks for septum piercing. Eyebrown after a couple of months .
Im soo going to fail? my English , today. Toilet bowls wth. lols
Hope i'll get b4? er....... c5 ? fuck
& ii realised im getting bitchier everyday. god... !

让你走 我不再是我 感受不到心跳的触碰 占有 转眼成空 放开手
对爱不再有奢求 徘徊梦中模糊脸孔 遗留在角落 不再轻易地经过

ii love all of you people ! :D

{/12:24 PM} Y

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
let there be love .

Bernard, all these drawing seemed familar ?

your 'dragon
your ant.
Sec3 & 4. What you and jili draw de . lols
Glenn taught us Chemistry. woooo yes teacher! Tired like anything .....
Today's the third day ii went school for this week already. Good achievement!!!! :)
Friday F&n practical , is IRRITATING .
Saturday, rouge ?
-// zann, you know ii know ! LOL
school tml yes no ?

{/7:54 PM} Y

Sunday, April 20, 2008
let there be love .

ii miss my hair.

miss my strawberry soda
miss the chocolate fudge.


When you're late for school, what do you do ?
lols . So headed to tamp for breakfast and slackeddddd .
Then all the way for darl's present . Thanks Fang =)

leftovers, you wan ?
who live in the pineapple under the sea.
seeeee ! he can STTRREETTCCHH.
Happy17th love. & Happy23th mingwei as well :)

happy dota-ing ar .
shuyi on bus :)
After town........... Bus-ed back to Elias, then bus-ed to tamp.
slacking all the way then back to westplaza. SAW MY ' love' also .LOLLOL
Mahjong till morning and went home .
Best sia. Initial plan was to go boatquay to drink. Met at ws ,
then stupid bt say , ar bo we go mahjong la. Haha. Act cute lo,
west plaza again .....
It taste like hotcake la!
- NO ONE can sleep as 'soundly', 'deadly' as junhong & jili .
NO ONE man. lols . No wonder brothers. =/
aww. ii guess im really missing out . From diff group of peeps .. :(
botak's . debb's . ber's . Manymany rahhhhhhhs .
恶作剧2吻 is like the bestest best best show la :))
wooo fuck. Tml's MYE already. & have to talk to vp =//
whats lifeeeeeeee.

{/10:06 PM} Y

Thursday, April 17, 2008
let there be love .

ii really don know why. But for now .
ii really wan to pierce my septum, my eyebrown.
ii really wan to eat at BotakJones. Eat lala/meesua/crabs.
ii really wan to understand and know how to do my hw.
ii really wan 12am to strike , to be 1804.
ii really wan to watch EZhuoJu2Wen Ep 19 .
ii really wan the holidays to be here.
ii really wan that someone to appear.
ii really wan my brother to stop scratching !
ii really wan to meet up with the people .
ii really wan to grow shorter.
ii really wan to lose weight .
ii really wan my mum to be richer.
ii really wan to sing .
w.h.a.t.e.v.e.r =.= its just 5mins gone .
tattoo, i'll always have you .
random like fuck only ~ ciaoza!

{/11:27 PM} Y

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
let there be love .

thanks ar bernard. For vandalising my table. =.=
ii don know why . but his leg and hand can stretchhhhhh very far . lols
big tank for him and he's still not moving:(
惡作劇2吻 so nice la. Zhishu is soooo wanted . lols
Missing Bark's strawberry soda, chickenwings & TOPSHELL la !!
Downtown's outlet faster open then ii can go eat le :DDD
ii love talking to darling la. We talked bout sooooooooo many things!
links,guys,studies blablablablbala. <3>
Choong vivian, miss you la! Haha
k de. Really will study de :)
All the people around me , shows have those ' perfect and sweet ones .
Envy only. But yaa. Don think so much and try to be contented .
Cause the day ii thought ii' nv get thru , ii got over you.'

ps: Yong soooooo screwing me up!
wtf wtf wtf wtf .

{/8:22 PM} Y

Friday, April 11, 2008
let there be love .

Watched PS I LOVE YOU on tv and ii cried like a little
idiot . lols . There won be such a guy for me , sadly.
BOSS . wow. Underage party, but 17 and above . wth la can.
And also due to some cb bitch we didnt get to go in . Got to see Rendall after
so long . Haha. :) So we went drinking instead , @ NOS .
Dices and 5 , 10. lol

Slacked and chatted , feed mosquitos ( only ii feed la ) and cabbed home
afterwhich .

  • ZHIRONG/ Ya, when it is so obvious that passerby is you la. =// slap you ar. HAHA.
  • BERNARD/ Don kiss her ass at my blog lei . Hah. bernardddddd ~~
  • NATASHAKANG/ k de , will link later :D
  • JARED/ Sure? Skin makes you fatttt ! k la, next when ii eat ii deliver to your house k :)
  • BERNARD/ Don bluff la. You don wan is just cause your weight to jump upwards again only right . Heh & bout SeanKingston.. k la. Real life singing not too bad , kp ar . A little lo.
  • ELLA/ Butter fact tgt next time then !!! :))))
  • JANNA/ Hahs hi darling. yup will link de . Msn, st3ady34@hotmail.com ..yea we'll talk there ..

{/9:01 PM} Y

Partyworld @ loyangpoint .

ya thanks ar max. for occupying my memory space.

Sing sing sing sing.. With my bad throat blablablabla. Cough' .
& went home after that . Do you know what fruit is ' Fruit ? Haha.
Butter Fact ytd .

benny so called ideal bridge . LOL

wooooo . First time see club so empty . k la , not first time.
Red dot muesum and scape. Only get to dance when benny they all came in at the later
part. Music wasnt really as good too.
o.0 Janna =)Saturday, BOSS ? lol
darling MUST go k. Haha
We mahjong-ed before going down clarkquay , came back and mahjong-ed
again. With jayson .. 7 dui zi !!!!! =/
wooootsz. Qing wa wang zi bai jing nu make one tears ! So much la. haha
cried like nobody business. Talking bout crying for show reminds me of SnowQueen,
hor eddie? Ha Really is cry like fuck de !
' PRETTY gets everything
UGLY gets none at all . '
I've / am going to get over it :)

{/9:01 PM} Y