Saturday, May 24, 2008

Giant poky :)
mm, zann? beibei? qii ?
beibei love.
milk? hahahs
Thanks ar mrs choo. You even bother to go note down all the
dates that im absent. & for all the things you said to my mum.

playing while waiting @ viv0.

nice feet . nice shoe you got kiasiang :)
climb climb.

arm strong ? HAHA.

ya right . get close to the girls only . haas
jackson. yangsquare. hahahahaha.

stackko and rolling man ?
yes they rolled into the sea. Ha

tomyam soup. cai xin. lala.
achievement bodoh, both of us . hahaha. COOK ONLY .
& the secret to it is to .. simmer it ! ' men men men '
jili's stun for mahjong . =.=
place sideway to play .
Tuesday to Thursday was intensive mt lessons.
Was not bad as lessons were all held in the library.. Aircon :D
& it was just . Paper2 and Paper1 all the way.
Met in the morning , okay ii waited for like 50 mins . =/
Then viv0. Waited for some to come and sentosa :)
It have been some time that ii go out with such a big group.. We had total 14 ppl..
Hah, had fun... Sun tanning , pictas, monkey in the sea, blabla.
Followed by eating at the hawkers'.
We then have a ice war .
k it was more of only . Me and darl . Berry and Jackson.
shoot here and there , chasing here and there . =//
Bused to darl's from punggol...... Wanted to watch my 9pm show, but we ended up.
Searching for food in the kitchen to cook. Hah.
Mahjong at the later part then home .
Daddy took the 'coffin to the beach to bury my guigui.
Rest in peace ! :D
O's on Monday. bah bah bah bah bah!
Hope ii can really don retake .
Im glad its all over ~

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