Sunday, May 25, 2008

All these certainly made my day and night . Hah.
Star King .. Cute mini dbsk , cute junsu and siwon .. and many others .
ii actually didnt go for singing at chinatown today ! :(
zann ii jio you tgt go sing soon k , with sam. Missing the soup and chrysantamem.
Tonight , saw the charity show for the SiChuan earthquake thingy.
Its really very sad . We're really so blessed to be able to have our family & friends around
in our safe country. Better to be contented or ?
Vivan ii tell you . ii actually mistaken the Nubra solution for some dirty water ,
then ii pour it away.... Waaaaa. :((((((((
Mos 17 june, long ar ...!
jiayou ppl for tml's paper . & vivian 4pm tml !!

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