Tuesday, May 13, 2008

home and found this on my bed . Thanks ! :)

Sunday was mothers' day, but ii haven done anything. Felt really bad
as compared to what the others have done . So mummy completed
ye man nai nai 2 as well..
mike myolie bosco s' LOVE.
Monday was out , magiccccccccc~
topman ~ food~ fareast~bus-ed back.
Sometimes ii really do think many hated me , which ii really don hope its
true. Especially if you're impt to me .
Today,took back 3 papers .
Fnn Maths English.
failed fnn like a shit .
failed maths :(
english wasnt too bad .
& that guy . we took the same bus . walked diff route, but turn up to be the same
again, then diff , then end up taking the same lift . & ii realised he shld be
cy 's younger brother ! hahahahahaa.
ii don know why, but looking at my tort moving around makes me so happy.
he is no longer emo staying at one place . :DD
but he's very noisy ! Moving my marbles around making lots of noise heh.
ii really dare not hope for anything in the future. i'll be fine myself,
ii suppose.

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