Monday, April 28, 2008

School. F&N practical. Haji lane.Mahjong.Macdonalds.Tuition. Midyear.Dota
That sums up my days ..
Seeing 2 breakups as well.
Finished watching 恶作剧2吻 already. ii wan my zhishu! :(
江直树 love.
50bucks for septum piercing. Eyebrown after a couple of months .
Im soo going to fail? my English , today. Toilet bowls wth. lols
Hope i'll get b4? er....... c5 ? fuck
& ii realised im getting bitchier everyday. god... !

让你走 我不再是我 感受不到心跳的触碰 占有 转眼成空 放开手
对爱不再有奢求 徘徊梦中模糊脸孔 遗留在角落 不再轻易地经过

ii love all of you people ! :D

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